Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Perceptual Transformation

Our perception of reality has a lot to do with how things unfold within it.  This does not necessarily mean have a “good” perception of reality, because this can be blinding just like negativity.  What is being called for is to know the space between good and bad, a space where the truth is not emotionally weighted in any particular direction, and so is free to move in the most natural direction.  A level of self honesty, self compassion, and personal evolution may come through this space.

The evolution of this planet and its inhabitants has been growing, transforming, changing for as long as there has been a planet.  What is coming through us now, which is a globally connected age, is simply the most current evolution.

There is a certain amount of “working together” which is necessary in order for us to thrive as a species.  This does not mean a fantasized “utopia” where there is no friction between ideals.  But rather a human race which has ideals, and at the same time recognises that his or her ideals are not for everyone.

This openness is not a common practice for humans, as we have become quite identified with our mental positions, cultural philosophies, and familial traditions.

This is not a call to throw those positions away; quite the contrary.  Without the need to project ideals onto the people around us, we can then live our own space in a much smoother manner.

A truly free society does not need to prove to anyone within that society of the “right” way, but lives so fully that others are either inspired to do the same, or encouraged to explore something completely new.

“Only an insecure society is scared of those who are not joiners” – Alan Watts

Obviously there are common agreements which lend themselves to healthy exchanges, but these agreements can be worked out in a natural way; with honesty, openness, and personal integrity, without the force of one particular mindset onto another.

This is why insightful work of personal inquiry and development is necessary.  Ultimately, the collective is made of individuals.  And it is the individual transformation which leads to the collective agreements.

This individual self work cannot be “given” by an outside force.  Though, it is possible that with openness, space can be created and a type of self honesty can be cultivated without shame and further damage.

If we however, come up with a particular philosophy, which has a new set of bounds imposed from the outside, then we are doomed to repeat the same cycles.

Even our ideas of freedom are not always true.  Often times our ideas of freedom are coming from a “wronged” version of ourselves, which feels un-free due to parental impositions.  This un-free mentality can then be projected onto others as the source, rather than owned and transformed into actual freedom.

To transform a perspective is to release the emotional weight of a situation and to see with clarity. Then in that clarity, a movement in consciousness is obvious and flows naturally.

Evolution happens because it is the next step in whatever is going on.  We can never know exactly what it is going to look like, but if we are open to changing, then we are better able to see when a transformative opportunity is presenting itself.