Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cortes Island Adventure

About 2 weeks ago I was hosting a group meditation at a friend’s house in Union Bay, Vancouver Island.  She does what is called Angel Readings.  It was really cool to watch her do her work.  She went into a meditation and the whole room changed vibrational feel.  She wrote down 7 or 8 things, and then we talked about them while she translated her visions.
Talking about psychic work comes with a lot of hype and stereotype.  She was so humble the entire time and it was obvious that simply being of service was her only motive.
It was not like someone trying to influence things in a direction to somehow manipulate things to go her way, as there was nothing for her to gain (It was a free reading).
I know many psychic readers who are of service and pure of intent.  And although I have met others who are not, it is quite obvious to discern if there is a personal agenda or not.  I am really writing about this because when people hear about psychic readers, even open people, there is often skepticism.  Skepticism can be very helpful, in a healthy dose.  Yet it is very easy to block experiences due to skeptical beliefs and then say they are not beliefs!
I know this because I have done it myself and a few times very clearly missed opportunities for growth!
The point of this story is that she recommended that I come to this Island and put myself out there to do readings myself, which I have been doing on and off for over a year, to work through a block in doing them confidently.  The block is that I do not want to be seen as someone who is trying to influence anything for my own desires, or that I somehow know more than another ultimately, just a person listening to spirit and translating to the best of my ability.
The island, Cortes, is beautiful.  The community here is really unique.  Nude sunbathing and hitch hiking is normal.  Healing and insights seem to be very apparent here as well.  The “magical brain” of synchronicity and manifestation has been working in really fun and cool ways, and I am absolutely being taken care of (As always).
As one person put it, whatever you focus on here tends to grow, which is true everywhere, but there is something just a little different on this island.  Even the produce is so abundant that more often than not food has to be given away in order not to go bad.  In that way I have been offered lots of really good food!
There is a bit of a mentality for people that live here versus those from away.  Not many people are like this but I have picked it up a few times.  As one person said though, it’s a great chance to stand in ones truth without needing to prove anything.  And if one is true, and I know that I am, then that trueness will last the entry test.
I have felt ecstatic bliss and some emotional lows as well, but a part of the path of understanding is to start trusting that these states will come and go.  To remain open to things as they do shift, and simply respond to the best of our ability in the moment of presence.  It can be a trap to get identified with bliss as well, never to block the option, but to be attached to it if it goes away.  There is an ebb and flow (just like the weather), and if we think we are in control of it, it can be painful.  We are in control of certain things, and not of others, and there is no formula, only experience!
I will update as things progress.  Will be working here at some markets and festivals doing readings, healings, and guided meditation.
I have been doing video blogs, but want to keep up with both my writing and videos.
Check out the videos on my youtube channel:

Friday, June 3, 2011

What on Earth is Going on?

As most of you know, I have been using this blog as a space to talk about the inner and outer adventures that I have been experiencing for the last year.  Before this blog, I did some facebook posts about a trip to India.

When I woke up this morning, I started to sense that there was an “upgrade” coming through for me in terms of writing.

The upgrade is that I am going to begin talking about the bigger picture involved in what is going on.  It has taken me a little bit of time to feel comfortable doing this, because everywhere we find people talking about the changes that are happening.  Some people are calling it a “shift” in consciousness, the end of the mayan calendar, the start of the age of Aquarius, and most recently, Harold Campings “rapture”.

Truth be told there is something happening.  And each of these is A way to describe it.  But none of them are THE way to describe it.  This is because the nature of change, the spirit of evolution, does not come with a particular ideology or belief system.

A belief system must have limits to its expression.  By its very nature there is a scope of some ”thing” that is happening, which would have a specific appearance.  There is no room for the unexpected.

The bigger picture however, is that the unexpected is exactly the dimension of experience which is being integrated.

When we do not know what is coming, then oddly enough, we start to have a better sense of what is coming.  At the very least there is an inherent faith as things unfold.

This is paradoxical and can be hard to understand.  Actually it is impossible to understand, and that is the point.

To open up to the unknown is a daunting task, because we are required to challenge the perceptual limitations of a worldview which does not allow for anything unmeasured.

As an example, often times when these changes are talked about, love is what is expected.  This is fine when love is truly understood.  However, our ideas about love can absolutely get in the way of discernment.  Sometimes love is one of the most ass kicking experiences available.  It is the force that knocks away misperceptions and reveals the freshness of truth.

It is in my experience that we are always ultimately safe, “protected” if you will, yet when love comes knocking on ones door, often times there is an illumination which shows areas of our lives which are not in line with our truth.

The heart of compassion is absolutely necessary for ourselves and others while we are in the midst of changing.  Never, ever, is the Universal awareness “mad” at us, or holding a grudge.  A grudge is a man-made concept and does not hold a candle to awareness itself.

And so, something to consider is, what if most things that I think about reality are not completely true?  Not that they are false, but that there is always room for an expansion of scope and understanding.

In this way we have an opportunity to move beyond belief systems which have a “cap” on them, and into a dynamic, ever-changing understanding.  There is room for what is unknown, and there is room for what cannot be known.  Adding these dimensions of experience lend room for peace of mind and daring exploration.

Winds of Change

The title of this blog is called “Stellar Vibrations”.  What I mean by that is that there are layers to this reality.  Some forces are physical and obvious, and some are more subtle in their nature.  There are many layers, so this is not meant to oversimplify things, but the subtle cosmic forces that I am calling Stellar Vibrations is what I consider the winds of change, which comes and moves our lives if we allow.

I say, “if we allow” because no one wants to feel as though they are being forced into anything.  This is rightfully so.  However, it is also important to remember that there is an interconnectivity which we all adhere to.  There are individual changes, collective changes, planetary changes, etc.  There is a bigger picture after all.  So keeping that in mind, it is also important to remember that these winds are for our highest good.  If you doubt this, look back on your life.  How often did something, perhaps even perceived as bad, lead to a higher understanding or evolutionary change in your life?

So far as I can tell, opening to the winds of change and allowing our awareness to move with the currents is a much more reasonable endeavour.  Transformation and evolution is the natural state of this reality.  It is only a perception of physical permanency which would want a life that does not grow.  And this perception, although beautiful in its own right, can lead to a kicking and screaming experience (spoken from personal experience), when we are often being taken into our own higher understanding.

Happy Sailing!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A New Adventure Begins, Reflections on the Last One

Today I left the farm that I have been at for the last 2 months.  I am now staying at a lovely ocean side home with a really great lady.  I am doing some work around her house in exchange for a place to stay.

I have learned so much, grow so much, and re-birthed two major areas of my life; that of addiction and sexuality.

These two areas are the major areas of my life that I have been looking to rebirth in.

About a month ago I went to see a healer who pointed directly to the “voice of addiction” within me.  Being exposed, it was very easy to embrace this truth.  And after that voice was recognised, it has been easy to see where it is been effecting my life.  It is a very subtle reasoning behind unhealthy habits.

Funny enough, one of the major places that the voice of addiction has lodged itself has been in “It’s my perception that matters”.

This fundamental truth, which is one of the grand keys to shifting reality, is a very valuable understanding.  However, it must be used with grounding in what is.

If “Its my perception that matters” begets unhealthy lifestyles, and doesn’t leave room for new experiences, then it is a mask.

I am not a “puritan”, but at the same time, why not take good things into the body?  The rating scale as to what is good doesn’t necessarily need a ton of science behind it (Though there is nothing wrong with that) – It is a matter of honest appraisal, and communication with the body.  Each person is indeed different, yet organic food, vegetables, clean water, and physical work seem to be really, really practical.

I am not saying that I am over all addictions; that would be a ridicules thing to claim.  However, knowing the voice has helped me understand my former vices, actually have deeper compassion for myself, and most certainly others.

The movement out of an unhealthy pattern (of thought/perception/action) takes an extreme amount of compassion (so as not to attack the pattern), as well as a firm decision to shift.  I cannot stress this enough after being through these latest transformations.  It has taken a direct “I am ready”, as one friend put it, “is it me who gives that go?” – Maybe not, but it seems to take a certain amount of co-operation in order to manifest.  I don’t really understand that, but maybe that’s for the best.

The other thing was around sexuality.  It’s been a bit of a backwards trek.  Some of the things I have been working with have been letting go of addiction and lust.  However, sexuality being one of the most vulnerable experiences available, this has mostly been allowing myself to ACCEPT my sexuality as it is.  Accept, have compassion for, and point in new directions.

After going into some of the deepest, darkest places that I have within myself, seeing/accepting, and deciding to move in line with my higher nature, transformations are happening within me.

I realized yesterday, that this is because I am a WARRIOR of light.  It is only yesterday that I remembered the bravery that it truly takes to be with these darker energies for transmutation.

I have masked the truth of being this warrior with misperceptions of low self worth and even spiritual teachings which fear ego.

The truth is that this collective of humanity is riddled with darkness, confusion, and misperception.  And anyone who decides to heal these splits within, partake in service, and do what we know in our heart is true.

Anyone who decides to do this is a warrior of light.  Anyone who steps onto this plane with the intention to heal one self and thus uplift humanity, in any fashion, is here to be a warrior.

It is important to give recognition where recognition is due, to each and everyone one of us for following our own becoming.

The only thing that I am a bit bummed about is a cavity that I have!  I have had it for quite some time, but lately its really showing my its pain.  I am going to try and find a temp agency to do some work to get it fixed.

Love you all!